Our next What Next? Norfolk meeting will be on Wednesday 5 October from 1-2pm in the Playroom at Norwich Playhouse (42-58 Saint Georges Street, Norwich, NR3 1AB).
Given the application process to become an ACE National Portfolio Organisation for the 2018-2022 funding period will begin in October 2016, our first meeting will be a discussion around what would people like to see from NPO’s over the next four years.
We also have the following dates confirmed.
Thursday 13 October – What Next? (Yarmouth and Lowestoft Chapter)
is hosting an event from 10 - 12.30pm, at Great Yarmouth Library, Northgate Room…
Where we will be playing : 'Artopoly: A Game Of Art and Cultural Strategy!’
Following our first consultation with John Knell in September 2015, What Next? (Yarmouth and Waveney) is planning another event at Great Yarmouth Library. The Arts and Culture strategy written in the intervening period by John will have been released and there will be ample opportunity to explore and discuss it’s content. We will also have Rob Gregory of GY Borough Council on hand to talk about the development of the plan so far.
To be successful, the strategy needs to be an evolving project and to help achieve this, What Next? is seeking to encourage participation across traditional local authority boundaries and from people of all backgrounds: The ’Usual’ and the ‘Unusual’ Suspects…!
We’ will also be inviting WN? attendees to contribute to the What Next? Location Study http://www.whatnextculture.co.uk/about/gulbenkian-inquiry/ / http://www.whatnextculture.co.uk/gulbenkian-inquiry-location-studies/
which we are carrying out in partnership with Calouste Gulbenkian Society by helping us begin putting together a ‘Cultural Asset Map’ of people, products and services…
This will all be done with a mixture of open discussion, workshops and guided play!
What Next? GY warmly invites you to come along and join in the process of ‘putting yourself (and others) on the map’ and playing a part in what will surely be a time of growth, opportunity and investment in arts and culture in Yarmouth and Lowestoft. Come and join us to have your say and - bring your own dice! To confirm your place, please email: [email protected]
Future What Next? Norfolk dates
Wednesday 19 October – Neil Blunt, Project Director for Norwich Historic Churches Trust will be joining us to talk about Norwich’s Medieval Churches weekend
Wednesday 2 November – Jack Lowe, Artistic Director of curious directive (an ensemble of theatre makers who explore life through the findings of science)
Wednesday 9 November – Richard Bracewell is an English film director with UK feature film production company Punk Cinema
Wednesday 16 November – Rebecca Chapman, Founder & Artistic Director of Total Ensemble Theatre Company (champions inclusive theatre)
Wednesday 30 November – Stash Kirkbride, Co-founder and Artistic Director of the Hostry Festival
Thursday 8 December - Steve Waters – Playwright who works for stage, radio and screen & Senior Lecturer at UEA in Creative Writing, School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing
Other key dates
Young Promoters National Event – Tuesday 18 October, Ipswich
See flyer attached for more details
Tuesday 18 October 2016, 9.30am – 5pm
The Mix, 127 Ipswich Street, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1BB
From What Next? National
What Next? National Event
Tickets are live:
Our event on the 17th of October in Manchester is taking shape.
Please do:
Arts 4 Britain campaign materials: DRAFT
Over the summer Rosie (and Lizzie, but chiefly Rosie) put together some of the documents from last year’s A4B campaign with some of the advice and guidance that we have had from expert colleagues in the sector and have created this draft Powerpoint. We want to share it with you all to get some feedback on whether it’s fit for purpose, what needs to change and what isn’t clear? We’ll be circulating it across the movement too and to some of our advisors, as well as picking it up at the conference. Please do have a look and let us know.
Request for help: Fundraising team
What Next? has been operating for a number of years now, resourcing our 0.8 members of staff, the admin and strategy work, projects, and sustaining the work of 40 Chapters on donations from Trusts and Foundations, the sector and the incredible support in kind and energy from many, many people.
This has been a brilliant way to get us going, but we are no longer an experiment in our infancy, we’re an experiment that’s ongoing, and we think this is going to require a different approach. If possible, we want to be sustainable in the short and medium term without trying ourselves to a formal structure.
We’d like to hear from you on what you think our strategy might be? Should we continue to exist in 2017 and if so, how should we go about it? We’ll be picking this up at the conference too.
Please note: What Next? Young Vic meetings are Chatham House and we want everyone to feel free to ask questions and share their thoughts without worrying that they’ll be quoted elsewhere or out of context. It’s generally accepted that no-one reports on the meetings, tweets anything personal or identifiable, or shares any content without checking first with the contributor. If in doubt, drop Lizzie a line: [email protected]
Brexit: Culture, Media and Sport Inquiry
The CMS Committee has launched an inquiry into the impact of Brexit on the creative industries, tourism and the digital single market. The inquiry page can be found here and the Committee are accepting written submissions on the below issues until 28 October.
Damian Collins MP, acting Chair of the Committee, said: "The process of leaving the European Union is one of the greatest challenges that the United Kingdom faces today. The creative industries and tourism are two of the most important sectors in our economy, and we have to make sure that Brexit can become a success for them. For this inquiry, we want to examine all of the challenges and opportunities that Brexit could bring. We have set out some of the specific issues that we will be focusing on, but we want to hear from people and organisations in the creative and tourism sectors on any concerns or ideas they may have relating to Brexit."
Written submissions
Press Links
Sadiq Khan plans tough new rules for developers as he wades into Curzon cinema row http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/sadiq-khan-plans-tough-new-rules-for-developers-as-he-wades-into-curzon-cinema-row-a3352481.html
Remains of Elizabethan theatre given protected status https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/remains-elizabethan-theatre-shakespeares-hamlet-first-performed-given-protected-status/
National Theatre appoints Anupama Chandrasekhar as its first international writer-in-residence https://www.thestage.co.uk/news/2016/national-theatre-appoints-anupama-chandrasekhar-as-first-international-writer-in-residence/
Arts Professional’s Christy Romer on the language of diversity within the arts http://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/magazine/article/arts-diversity-your-words-not-mine
What’s the ‘real’ cost of a subsidised theatre ticket?https://www.thestage.co.uk/features/2016/whats-the-real-cost-of-a-subsidised-theatre-ticket/
Ed Vaizey calls on UK government to increase arts funding http://www.theartsdesk.com/features/ed-vaizey-we-must-invest-more-arts
Turner Prize exhibition opens - with a Facebook Live tour http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-37448948
Gender imbalance ‘systemic’ in theatre, report suggests https://www.thestage.co.uk/news/2016/gender-imbalance-systemic-theatre-report-suggests/
Edinburgh Fringe 'big four' venue Underbelly plans to launch 650-seat temporary theatre in West End: https://www.thestage.co.uk/news/2016/underbelly-plans-to-launch-650-seat-temporary-theatre-in-west-end/
Given the application process to become an ACE National Portfolio Organisation for the 2018-2022 funding period will begin in October 2016, our first meeting will be a discussion around what would people like to see from NPO’s over the next four years.
We also have the following dates confirmed.
Thursday 13 October – What Next? (Yarmouth and Lowestoft Chapter)
is hosting an event from 10 - 12.30pm, at Great Yarmouth Library, Northgate Room…
Where we will be playing : 'Artopoly: A Game Of Art and Cultural Strategy!’
Following our first consultation with John Knell in September 2015, What Next? (Yarmouth and Waveney) is planning another event at Great Yarmouth Library. The Arts and Culture strategy written in the intervening period by John will have been released and there will be ample opportunity to explore and discuss it’s content. We will also have Rob Gregory of GY Borough Council on hand to talk about the development of the plan so far.
To be successful, the strategy needs to be an evolving project and to help achieve this, What Next? is seeking to encourage participation across traditional local authority boundaries and from people of all backgrounds: The ’Usual’ and the ‘Unusual’ Suspects…!
We’ will also be inviting WN? attendees to contribute to the What Next? Location Study http://www.whatnextculture.co.uk/about/gulbenkian-inquiry/ / http://www.whatnextculture.co.uk/gulbenkian-inquiry-location-studies/
which we are carrying out in partnership with Calouste Gulbenkian Society by helping us begin putting together a ‘Cultural Asset Map’ of people, products and services…
This will all be done with a mixture of open discussion, workshops and guided play!
What Next? GY warmly invites you to come along and join in the process of ‘putting yourself (and others) on the map’ and playing a part in what will surely be a time of growth, opportunity and investment in arts and culture in Yarmouth and Lowestoft. Come and join us to have your say and - bring your own dice! To confirm your place, please email: [email protected]
Future What Next? Norfolk dates
Wednesday 19 October – Neil Blunt, Project Director for Norwich Historic Churches Trust will be joining us to talk about Norwich’s Medieval Churches weekend
Wednesday 2 November – Jack Lowe, Artistic Director of curious directive (an ensemble of theatre makers who explore life through the findings of science)
Wednesday 9 November – Richard Bracewell is an English film director with UK feature film production company Punk Cinema
Wednesday 16 November – Rebecca Chapman, Founder & Artistic Director of Total Ensemble Theatre Company (champions inclusive theatre)
Wednesday 30 November – Stash Kirkbride, Co-founder and Artistic Director of the Hostry Festival
Thursday 8 December - Steve Waters – Playwright who works for stage, radio and screen & Senior Lecturer at UEA in Creative Writing, School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing
Other key dates
Young Promoters National Event – Tuesday 18 October, Ipswich
See flyer attached for more details
Tuesday 18 October 2016, 9.30am – 5pm
The Mix, 127 Ipswich Street, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1BB
From What Next? National
What Next? National Event
Tickets are live:
Our event on the 17th of October in Manchester is taking shape.
Please do:
- Buy your ticket asap (bursaries available) https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/what-next-national-event-tickets-27283837693
- Let us know of any topics you’d like us to cover on the day / speakers you’re dying to hear from / approaches you’d like us to take.
- Contact Aradhna on: with any queries: [email protected]
Arts 4 Britain campaign materials: DRAFT
Over the summer Rosie (and Lizzie, but chiefly Rosie) put together some of the documents from last year’s A4B campaign with some of the advice and guidance that we have had from expert colleagues in the sector and have created this draft Powerpoint. We want to share it with you all to get some feedback on whether it’s fit for purpose, what needs to change and what isn’t clear? We’ll be circulating it across the movement too and to some of our advisors, as well as picking it up at the conference. Please do have a look and let us know.
Request for help: Fundraising team
What Next? has been operating for a number of years now, resourcing our 0.8 members of staff, the admin and strategy work, projects, and sustaining the work of 40 Chapters on donations from Trusts and Foundations, the sector and the incredible support in kind and energy from many, many people.
This has been a brilliant way to get us going, but we are no longer an experiment in our infancy, we’re an experiment that’s ongoing, and we think this is going to require a different approach. If possible, we want to be sustainable in the short and medium term without trying ourselves to a formal structure.
We’d like to hear from you on what you think our strategy might be? Should we continue to exist in 2017 and if so, how should we go about it? We’ll be picking this up at the conference too.
Please note: What Next? Young Vic meetings are Chatham House and we want everyone to feel free to ask questions and share their thoughts without worrying that they’ll be quoted elsewhere or out of context. It’s generally accepted that no-one reports on the meetings, tweets anything personal or identifiable, or shares any content without checking first with the contributor. If in doubt, drop Lizzie a line: [email protected]
Brexit: Culture, Media and Sport Inquiry
The CMS Committee has launched an inquiry into the impact of Brexit on the creative industries, tourism and the digital single market. The inquiry page can be found here and the Committee are accepting written submissions on the below issues until 28 October.
Damian Collins MP, acting Chair of the Committee, said: "The process of leaving the European Union is one of the greatest challenges that the United Kingdom faces today. The creative industries and tourism are two of the most important sectors in our economy, and we have to make sure that Brexit can become a success for them. For this inquiry, we want to examine all of the challenges and opportunities that Brexit could bring. We have set out some of the specific issues that we will be focusing on, but we want to hear from people and organisations in the creative and tourism sectors on any concerns or ideas they may have relating to Brexit."
Written submissions
- Employment in the creative industries: Will the UK be able to attract and retain talent from across the world in order to maintain its high reputation in these industries?
- Employment in tourism: The travel and tourism industry is particularly labour-intensive and many positions are currently filled by EU nationals. To what extent will UK citizens be willing and able to fill these (often seasonal and low-paid) jobs?
- While the Intellectual Property Office has stated that the position on trademarks, designs, patents, copyright and enforcement remains the same until exit negotiations are concluded, what should happen in relation to Copyright after the UK leaves the EU?
- The Digital Single Market: The UK digital sector currently is worth £118 billion a year; 43% of UK digital exports go to the EU. How has UK membership of the EU helped to shape the Digital Single Market to date? What are the fears and advantages arising from the UK being outside the developing Single Market? What will happen to companies that have used the UK as a base for sales within the Single Market?
- What will be the impact of the loss of European Union funding, both specialised (such as the Creative Europe fund) and more general (such as the Regional Development Fund). Will the UK Government replace these? Can tax exemptions or private sponsorship fill the gap?
Press Links
Sadiq Khan plans tough new rules for developers as he wades into Curzon cinema row http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/sadiq-khan-plans-tough-new-rules-for-developers-as-he-wades-into-curzon-cinema-row-a3352481.html
Remains of Elizabethan theatre given protected status https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/remains-elizabethan-theatre-shakespeares-hamlet-first-performed-given-protected-status/
National Theatre appoints Anupama Chandrasekhar as its first international writer-in-residence https://www.thestage.co.uk/news/2016/national-theatre-appoints-anupama-chandrasekhar-as-first-international-writer-in-residence/
Arts Professional’s Christy Romer on the language of diversity within the arts http://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/magazine/article/arts-diversity-your-words-not-mine
What’s the ‘real’ cost of a subsidised theatre ticket?https://www.thestage.co.uk/features/2016/whats-the-real-cost-of-a-subsidised-theatre-ticket/
Ed Vaizey calls on UK government to increase arts funding http://www.theartsdesk.com/features/ed-vaizey-we-must-invest-more-arts
Turner Prize exhibition opens - with a Facebook Live tour http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-37448948
Gender imbalance ‘systemic’ in theatre, report suggests https://www.thestage.co.uk/news/2016/gender-imbalance-systemic-theatre-report-suggests/
Edinburgh Fringe 'big four' venue Underbelly plans to launch 650-seat temporary theatre in West End: https://www.thestage.co.uk/news/2016/underbelly-plans-to-launch-650-seat-temporary-theatre-in-west-end/
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