2018 marks the centenary of The Armistice and the end of The First World War. To mark this occasion, SeaChange Arts have been invited to collaborate on the Pages of the Sea project, producing workshops and engagement events across Gorleston and Great Yarmouth.
On 11 November 2018, communities will gather on beaches across the UK to say thank you and goodbye to the millions of men and women who left their shores, many to never return. Film-maker Danny Boyle invites us to join him in delivering those thank yous and goodbyes as a unified, national event.
Gorleston Beach has been selected as a place of remembrance, where over the course of several hours, artwork made from stencils will emerge from the sand. And then, as the tide rises, watch as it’s washed away offering a moment for a collective goodbye.
Carol Ann Duffy has written a poem especially for the moment, to be read by individuals, families and communities on the day.
On the day
Event Start: 11th November 2018, Armistice Day, 12pm – 3pm
– Come along to Gorleston Beach to view the numerous artworks created in the sand, to be washed away by the tide.
– Contribute to the artwork by stencilling your own into the sand.
– Visit to quietly contemplate the sacrifice of the many who left these shores, many to never return.
– Listen to the specially commissioned poem, ‘The Wound In Time’ by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy.
Further Information
Vital Training for Arts & Cultural Leaders
“This programme is an important step in ensuring that our sector can continue to create vital, challenging, and risk-taking work.” – Sir Nick Serota, Chair of Arts Council England
Risks, Rights & Reputations (RRR) is a half-day training programme by Index on Censorship, What Next? and Cause4 that provides artistic directors, CEOs, senior management and trustees of arts & culture organisations with the guidance, inspiration, tools and resources to navigate the the challenges and opportunities related to artistic risk and freedom of expression.
Upcoming RRR sessions
15 November 2018, Young Vic Theatre, London.
21 November 2018, New Art Exchange, Nottingham
RRR seeks to be fully representative of, reflect, and meet the needs of the arts and cultural sector across gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion and class.
Fees are from £25. A limited number of bursaries are available.
For further info/to book, visit: www.indexoncensorship.org/artsrisk
The Oxford Samuel Beckett Theatre Trust Award 2020 is now open for submissions
We are currently seeking submissions from experimental artists engaged in bold, challenging and innovative performance from all disciplines for this year's Oxford Samuel Beckett Theatre Trust Award.
The Award is for a company or individual to create a show either for the Barbican's studio theatre, or a site-responsive show to take place in east London or the City. The winning show will premiere as part of the Barbican Theatre & Dance season in 2020. The proposal must therefore be for an original and unperformed piece of work that is available for production and unattached to any other venue or company.
The winning artist or company receives a production grant of up to £32,000, a mentor for the project and in-kind support from the Barbican.
The deadline for applications is 5pm, Monday 10 December 2018. More information can be found on our website https://www.barbican.org.uk/our-story/our-programme/theatre-dance/the-oxford-samuel-beckett-theatre-trust-award